How can I...
How can I make the miserable people happy?
How can I empower the powerless?
How can I liberate the enslaved?
How can I educate the ignorant and misinformed?
How can I awaken the sleeping?
How can I enlighten the unenlightened?
How can I strengthen the weak?
How can I cure the sick?
How can I entertain the bored?
How can I feed the starving?
How can I give the uninventive something new?
How can I force these miserable wretches to be happy?
How can I help them to help themselves?
How can I trick the foolish masses?
How can I own their money?
How can I receive their praise?
How can I win their love?
How can I use their bodies?
How can I elicit their laughs?
How can I obtain their approval?
How can I receive their secrets?
How can I gain their allegiance?
How can I manufacture their truth?
How can I change their minds?
How can I deceive these foolish sheep?
How can I manipulate them?
How can I recreate the ‘universe’?
How can I organize information?
How can I organize sound?
How can I organize light?
How can I organize ‘space-time’?
How can I organize ‘things’?
How can I generate ‘things’?
How can I generate information?
How can I generate sound?
How can I generate light?
How can I generate ‘space-time’?
How can I generate devices that organize?
How can I generate devices that generate?
How can I construct fantasies and realities?
How can I alter the fabric of everything?
How can I destroy the ‘universe’?
How can I kill the living?
How can I stop the process of life?
How can I accelerate entropy?
How can I undo that which is done?
How can I stop that which has started?
How can I dismantle the whole?
How can I bring ‘everything’ closer to ‘nothing’?
How can I ‘do’ ‘nothing’?
How can I make my mind void?
How can I stop moving?
How can I suspend my influence over the ‘universe’?
How can I ‘passively’ drift on the stream of forces
‘external’ to me?
How can I not ‘do’ ‘anything’?
How can I not exist in existing?
How can I make a sacrifice of myself?
How can I make offerings of my possessions?
How can I make offerings of my loved ones?
How can I make offerings of parts of my body?
How can I forfeit my happiness?
How can I deprive myself of sex?
How can I deprive myself of drugs?
How can I deprive myself of food?
How can I give away my ‘soul,’ my ‘eternity’, my ‘death’?
How can ‘I’ destroy ‘my’ ego?
How can ‘I’ give up ‘my’ identity?
How can ‘I’ surrender ‘my’ conscious mind, ‘my’ will?
How can ‘I’ offer ‘my’ life?
How can ‘I’ sacrifice all or part of ‘my’ self?
How can ‘I’ give ‘my’ self to something greater than ‘my’
How can I improve ‘my’ life?
How can I learn more?
How can I know more?
How can I do more?
How can I produce more?
How can I find peace?
How can I feel contentment?
How can I feel love?
How can I abolish pain?
How can I overcome death?
How can I control ‘my’ course in life?
How can I make ‘my’ self faster?
How can I make ‘my’ self stronger?
How can I increase ‘my’ efficiency?
How can I reach ‘enlightenment’?
How can I gain control of ‘my’ will?
How can I ask more questions?
How can I answer more questions?
How can I enrich ‘my’ experience in ‘life’?
How can I take responsibility for ‘my’ existence?
How can I live?
How can I eat?
How can I drink?
How can I sleep?
How can I find comfort?
How can I reproduce?
How can I protect ‘my’ helpless children?
How can I educate ‘my’ thinking children?
How can I teach them to eat?
How can I teach them to drink?
How can I teach them to sleep?
How can I teach them to find comfort?
How can I teach them to reproduce?
How can I teach them to protect ‘their’ helpless children?
How can I teach them to educate ‘their’ thinking children?
How can I allow them to find ‘their’ answers?
How can I allow them to find ‘their’ questions?
How can I ‘allow’ them to exist as they will?
How can I live?
How can I die?